Wednesday, 16 June 2010

First poetry publication!!!

"A poet's work is to name the unnameable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world, and stop it going to sleep."
- Salman Rushdie

Just wanted to share my awesome news! I got an email earlier saying that a poem I'd written had been selected for publication in a uni magazine that's going to get distrubted 'into the world' as it were.

My very first publication, I'm chuffed to bits! I feel like a real writer!

Here's the poem if you're remotely interested :)


Ophelia drowned herself
two weeks ago. Submerged,
head first, into the lake.

Air bubbles formed
at the corners of
her mouth until
one by one
they burst;

She couldn't shout.

The black ink thickens,
as she sinks.


Curls clinging
to her cheeks.

Her frozen pulse quickens,

and the last





sends ripples that disturb
the silence.

I can hear you now.