I know it's just a 'bad day' but it's so fucking intense and as much as I have good stuff planned to look forward to it doesn't change the fact the it's a fucking shit time of year and no matter what I do or how busy I am I'm still fucking haunted by all the memories.
I know that this has been triggered off by Ken fucking Clarke and his Torie right fucking wing 'serious rape' fucking bullshit that I just can't get out of my head.
I just don't know what to think anymore, how I should feel, I've been fighting so hard for the last few months to get to a place where I can say that what happened to me wasn't okay and now it's just fucking dissolved into a torture game of well, you didn't get smacked about, you didn't put up a fight, you were young, you were drunk, you knew him, your life wasn't in danger etc etc etc.
I hate myself and I want it to stop. I want to hack fucking pieces out of myself. I just can't switch off. I can't sleep. I can't fucking think straight. My head's full of noise and blurs.
Why are you off your meds? xxxx